Based in Istanbul, Türkiye. Founded by Olgun AYDIN, with Over 20 years of international experience and expertise in corporate and supply-chain sustainability. SWS is a consulting company focusing on sustainable development, corporate, and supply-chain sustainability. Inspired by Social, Environmental, Corporate, and Supply Chain issues as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
About SWS Founder,
Olgun AYDIN joined the fashion industry in 1992 and started his working life in the supply chain. He worked at Fila Global from 1996-1999 and at Adidas Global from 2000-2002 in the fields of Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing. He worked as Total Quality and Lean Manufacturing Manager at PUMA Global between 2002-2005.
He joined the PUMA Global Supply Chain Sustainability Team in 2006. As of 2012, he conducted and managed numerous corporate performance audits and assessments in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) regions.
In 2013, he was appointed as the Supply Chain Sustainability Manager for PUMA Global Europe, Middle East, and Africa Regions (EMEA). In this process, he has implemented various projects and programs about management systems, GRI Corporate Sustainability Reporting, corporate carbon footprint analysis, and reporting, product life cycle assessment (LCA), product sustainability, digitalization, environmental management, sustainable energy, OHS, human rights, women's empowerment and leadership, LGBT+ rights, prevention of child labor, and refugee integration in various country in collaboration with the United Nations Agencies, governments, NGOs, universities, service providers and suppliers.
Since 2018, he has been working as a freelancer at PUMA Global. He also provides consultancy services in the fields of Sustainable Development, Corporate and Supply Chain Sustainability through his consultant company Sustainable Works Station (SWS), which he founded in 2018.
As of 2021, he has become a member of the Industry Sustainable Science Board of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM).
Current Duties and Responsibilities:
1- Sustainable Works Station Ltd. – Founder and Managing Director
2- PUMA Global, Europe, Middle East, and Africa Regions Senior Sustainability Manager (Freelance)
3- Member of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) Industry Sustainable Science Board
4- Human rights volunteer with United Nations Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations.